The information in the first section bellow covers common intellectual property creation and protection questions including patents, trademarks, including trademark opposition proceedings, copyrights, trade secrets, licensing and other issues that come up for consideration regularly. 

The information in the second section bellow covers common startup and business law questions including incorporation, founders shares, share options, angel and venture financing, convertible note bridge financing, series A financing, mergers and acquisitions issues, IPO planning and other issues that come up for consideration regularly.

The information in the third section below covers common wealth management (including off shore jurisdictions) and estate planning (wills, trusts, estates) questions that come up for consideration regularly.

The information in the fourth section below covers common commercial real estate law and residential real estate law questions that come up for consideration regularly.

DISCLAIMER - Please note that the information provided bellow is of a general nature and may not apply to any specific or particular situation. It is not to be considered as a legal advice nor presumed to be indefinitely up to date.